鼎峰地产(鼎峰)是一家以不动产投资为主要方向的欧洲房地产开发公司,2007年进入中国。鼎峰主要的投资领域是中国山东省及环渤海区域二、三线城市的商业零售、写字楼和住宅项目。鼎峰坚信中国房地产市场的下一波投资机会将会来自于中国快速发展的二、三线城市,未来这些中、小型城市将会有飞速的发展。作为有多年欧洲投资和开发经验的地产商,鼎峰的使命是将欧洲建筑和环境标准引入中国,让中国二、三线城市的居民能同步享受国际一线城市的居住和商业文明成果。鼎峰地产团队由多位经验丰富的企业家和房地产资深从业人员创立,总部位于北京,在山东省的沿海和内陆设有多个分支机构,雇员超过100位。鼎峰的愿景是成为中国大北方区领先的外资地产开发商。White Peak Real Estate (“White Peak”) is a European Real Estate firm focused on real estate development, primarily in Shandong province, China。 We invest in retail, office and residential land, as well as residential projects in 2nd and 3rd tier cities within Shandong。White Peak’s conviction is that the next wave of China’s real estate opportunities will come from these rapidly growing 2nd and 3rd tier cities, and that many small and medium-sized cities across Shandong will see extraordinary growth in the coming years。As a developer, our mission is to bring first tier customer experience and international-class real estate execution to 2nd and 3rd tier cities。White Peak Real Estate consists of over 100 professionals in both coastal and inland offices across the Shandong Province。We have established a solid, respected presence and built valuable governmental relationships within Shandong。Our vision is to become the leading European real estate developer in Shandong, and our international team is fully committed to achieving this goal。